论文题目 |
获奖等级 |
第一作者 姓名 |
fine mapping and whole-genome resequencing identify the seed coat color gene in brassica rapa(全基因组重测序结合遗传连锁图谱精细定位大黄油菜粒色候选基因) |
一等奖 |
杜德志 (通讯作者) |
size and dynamics of soil organic carbon stock in cropland of the eastern qinghai-tibetan plateau(青藏高原东部农田土壤有机碳库及演化) |
二等奖 |
张亚丽 |
mapping a large number of qtl for durable resistance to stripe rust in winter wheat druchamp using ssr and snp markers(利用ssr和snp标记定位出冬小麦品种druchamp中许多的持久抗条锈病qtl) |
二等奖 |
侯璐 |
genetic diversity analysis of faba bean (vicia faba l.) germplasms using sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(蚕豆种质资源蛋白质遗传多样性研究) |
三等奖 |
侯万伟 |
qtl analysis and the development of closely linked markers for days to flowering in spring oilseed rape ( brassica napus l.)(甘蓝型春油菜开花时间的qtl分析及其紧密连锁分子标记的开发) |
三等奖 |
柳海东 |